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Summer Homework and Skill Building

28 May

The Grove summer work and supply list is updated and now posted on our website. This work will be used for beginning of year assessments and skill building over the summer. There are assignments for all students, grades 7-9, and beginning in 9th grade, there are classes for specialty classes like Honors and AP. Completion and quality of work for AP and Honors assignments may be used to determine placement in those level courses (a.k.a. if you don’t come with the work done in the fall, you won’t be entered into that AP or Honors course). There are also supplemental activities suggested for skills practice.

As we enter these last weeks of the school year, we also start to plan what we will be doing for the summer. Many of our plans have changed, but there are still options to sharpen skills, follow interests, and explore new material from home. All of the virtual classes and camps listed below are free, but may require some equipment. If any of these interest you, sign up soon to get your top picks.

  • Varsity Tutoring Free Summer Camps has free week-long courses for math, science, art, writing, reading, Spanish, programming, fine arts, and more. Classes are geared for age groups and include high school. See website for details and availability. 
  • EdX is an online learning platform that includes courses designed by university staff and geared for high school students in a wide variety of topics, and with the aim of college readiness. Class audits are free, but there are options to receive certificates and professor feedback for a fee.
  • MOCA offers free art classes for students up to 13yo on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning in July, and ends with a virtual art show.
  • Maker Camp is a virtual camp that introduces and builds STEM skills with hands-on activities, projects, and community, including programming, engineering, and robotics.
  • Code with Google offers computer science courses appropriate for middle and high school students, including game design.
  • Khan Academy is especially helpful for structured math practice, but also has a wide range of other lessons and activities, including computer programming, SAT Test Prep, Sciences and Humanities.
  • Duolingo is a free online or phone app that helps students to learn and practice verbal, auditory, and written grammar and vocabulary in a variety of foreign languages.

Sources: Common Sense MediaGood Housekeeping

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