The Grove School is an independent charter with its own governing board, made of outside community members, teacher representatives, parent representatives, and the head of school. They hold open meetings, generally on the first Monday of each month at 6:15pm in the Barton Schoolhouse, and virtually during orders to social distance. Agendas are posted for public review on homepage several days prior to meetings. Be sure to consult the calendar for exact dates.
Executive Committee and Members
Ex Officio Members (non-voting):
Regular governing board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 6:15pm at the Barton Schoolhouse, 1775 Orange Street, Redlands, 92373. However, with current upheavals, additional meetings are common.
Agendas for upcoming meetings, including location, can be found at the bottom of our home page. The public is always welcome to attend.
Educational Protection Account
Pursuant to Article XIII, Section 36 of the California Constitution, school districts, county offices of education, and community college districts, The Grove School is posting an accounting of funds received from the Education Protection Account (EPA) and how those funds were expended on our website. In 2021-22, the EPA revenue projection is $955,206. The entirety of these funds will be spent on teacher and pupil support salaries. The Grove School’s governing board discussed and determined the use of EPA funds at an open public meeting. Related budget documents can be found in the announcements below, under the appropriate year.