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Pre-order Doughnuts, Flowers for Pick-up at Craft Fair, Farmers Market on May 8

1 May

The Farmers Market at the Grove School is holding a spring craft fair on May 8. Handmade decor, body/beauty products, and more will be on sale from local vendors, just in time for Mother’s Day! Grove organizers are also holding two fundraisers for pre-order. See details below. Questions about the craft fair? Email organizers at

Just in time for Mother’s Day! AAES is selling bouquets priced from $5-$15 that will be perfect for moms! Pre-orders can be made through the online form through May 6, and will be available for pick-up on May 8, 8am-noon at the Farmers Market at the Grove School. Succulents and candles will be available the day of and while supplies last, but only a pre-order guarantees your bouquet! Payments will be cash only. Questions can be directed to the Supreme Empress of AAES, Suzie Tolksdorf.

During Farmers Market and the accompanying Craft Fair on May 8, 8am-noon, Grove volunteers are organizing a Krispy Kreme fundraiser to raise money to continue improvements on campus. Single doughnuts will be on sale while supplies last, but supporters and doughnut lovers are encouraged to order dozens of doughnuts ahead of time via this form. Single doughnuts will be $1.50, and dozens will be sold for $12 each.

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