This announcement only applies to students that are planning to fulfill their high school Physical Education graduation requirement through taking PE classes outside of Grove in grades 9-12.
All off campus PE hours for the 2018-19 school year are due Friday, September 13.
With the beginning of the 2019-20 school year, there will be some changes to the Off Campus PE Credit procedures. All students planning on fulfilling their PE graduation requirement through Off Campus PE must turn in a PE Independent Study Application. PE credits will only be awarded for approved activities. Please turn in completed application(s) by Friday, September 20. You can pick up a copy of the application in the office or download it from our website
Once your application is approved, you must keep a log of your hours. Each entry must be signed by your coach/trainer. The log is available in the high school office and online. Completed hours are due at the end of each trimester.
In addition, starting this school year one credit equals 13 hours instead of 15 hours.
Feel free to email with any questions.
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