What a year! I want to say thank you for all the support and understanding over these last few months. As the Grove staff changed directions and created a distance learning program, you were there to take it in stride, provide feedback, and help us work with Grove’s amazing students. It was a team effort to work through this unexpected learning environment, and to redefine school for a short period of time.
As this year ends, another begins. Staff has been reviewing safety guidelines and requirements set by state and local agencies and we prepare for students to return to school in the fall. Health and safety is our number one priority, and we want to make sure that when students return we are able to provide a learning environment where you can be confident we are doing all we can to protect their health in this time of the COVID19 Pandemic.
The document below is brief that provides some insight into where we are in the planning and the direction we are moving in. It does not answer all the questions, because we still do not have all the information. We are waiting on the approved state budget due June 15th and direction from San Bernardino County Health and Education Departments. We will continue to update you with any new information or decisions that are made.
Link to the Report for 2020-2021 Grove School Operations Overview
If you have any questions or specific concerns, please reach out and let us know.
Thank you again for an amazing year.
Andrew Christopherson, Head of School
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