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In Person Instruction Plan – Presentation Monday, April 5, 6:15pm, Link for Zoom

6 Apr

April 5, 2021

Dear Grove Families,

Thank you for your continued support of the Grove school throughout this year. As we approach the end of the 2020-2021 school year we have an opportunity to return to in person instruction.

At the Grove School board meeting tonight a new revised return to in person instruction plan will be considered. This revised plan reflects the CDC’s March 19th recommendations for 3 foot distancing within schools. This revised plan includes the implementation of several safety measures, as well as directives and guidance from state and local public health agencies (i.e. face coverings, social distancing) outlined in the Grove School Safety Plan.

Through collaboration with staff a model for a return to in person instruction (IPI) was created that offers two programs: 
1. 100% distance learning program 
2. A hybrid program with in person instruction (number of days on campus dependent on number of students who choose IPI).  

Both programs will offer the same curriculum through students’ currently scheduled classes. All families will be asked to select a program for their student(s) through a Google survey. Details of the plan are linked here and will be presented at tonight’s meeting. All are welcome to attend the board meeting via Zoom (see link below), and the agenda can be found on our website,

Tonight the board may approve the plan as written, decline the plan, approve an amended plan, or table the vote for a later meeting to allow for revision and/or extended discussion. 

If approved by the board tonight, this model would begin the week of April 19th. 

Board of Directors of The Grove School meeting to be held:

April 5, 2021, 6:15 p.m.

Online via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 372 856 0955

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