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Field Trips on Wednesday, January 29

28 Jan

High School CAWE groups will go on various field trips connected with their themes. Start times and drop-off/pick-up locations will vary. Please contact your student’s CAWE advisor, should you need details or have questions.

Middle School students will do some on campus activities with their winterim groups and then go to Brookside Park for the Fun Run and outdoor activity. Regular drop-off and pick-up procedures and times apply. Students should wear layered clothes and shoes for activity, as well as bring a water bottle, sack lunch (or $5 for their already purchased burrito) and snack, games or sports equipment, and a bag for belongings. If students did not already order a burrito, they must bring their own lunch. Middle school students should ask family and friends for support to meet fundraising goals. For extra pledge forms, follow the link

As usual on field trip days, there is NO STUDY HALL on this day. There is also no play practice. Please coordinate 3:15 pm pick-up/end-of-day plans with your students accordingly.

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