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Please Participate in Anonymous, Continuing Study of Grove, Efficacy, and Montessori

6 Oct

Hello, my name is Elyse Postlewaite. I am a doctoral student at Claremont Graduate University. I’m inviting your child to participate in an ongoing research study about learning experiences for middle and high school students. This is a continuation of a study conducted over the last three years at the Grove School, however, new students are welcome to participate. It is an evidence-based inquiry, which can deliver valuable information to your child’s school, contribute to the scientific body of knowledge, and will help me complete my dissertation. Furthermore, your child’s learning experiences have shifted dramatically because of COVID-19 and this study will provide useful information for teachers as they develop their lesson plans tailored to students’ needs.

If you agree to let your child to participate in this follow-up study, he/she/they will be asked to share his/her/their experiences in two 25-35 minute online surveys; once in the fall and once in the spring. Your child may also be invited to participate in a 40-60 minute online interview in the spring. 

As compensation for participation in the survey, your child will be entered into a raffle to win one of three $30 gift cards. If your child participates in the interview, then he/she/they will receive a $15 gift card

Your child’s participation is completely voluntary. Anything he/she/they says will be kept completely confidential. The school will not know what your child says in his/her/their responses.

If you would like to allow your child to participate in the study, please use the following link to sign an electronic consent form: For your child to be able to participate in this study, you must provide your consent by October 18th.

After you sign the consent form, your child will be contacted directly inviting them to participate in the survey and interviews. 

If you have any questions, please contact me at or (206) 605-1593. 

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