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Statement Regarding Coronavirus and Other Communicable Diseases

1 Feb

Schools in Southern California have begun receiving inquiries in regard to the Novel Coronavirus. The Grove School, like all public schools, is watching and following California Health Department guidelines in regards to this and other communicable diseases.

Information about the coronavirus and current recommendations can be found at the CDPH website and the LA County’s Public Health Office Website.

Typically, human coronaviruses cause mild-to-moderate respiratory illness. Symptoms are very similar to the flu, including: runny nose, headaches, cough, sore throat, fever, and shortness of breath.

The first line of defense to prevent the spread of this and all communicable diseases is to follow basic rules of hygiene and care: wash hands often and after sneezing or coughing, cover mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing (or aim into elbows), dispose of tissue properly, and avoid sharing items that come into contact with others’ mouths. Additionally, should students or staff become ill, they should follow school guidelines, waiting at least 24 hours to return to school after vomiting or running a fever.

The Grove School will promptly communicate to all stakeholders, should the Health Department guidelines include any other actions.

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