Telephone (909) 798-7831

Lunch Program and Free and Reduced Lunch Applications

6 Sep

The Grove School has a “farm to table” lunch program. Students who have a yearlong lunch card have access to lunch Monday through Friday. Students buying periodically have lunch available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. At the end of each week, students are emailed a menu and must sign up to reserve their lunch and indicate dietary needs or preference for the following week. Cards are available from the high school office by cash or check in the following amounts:

  • Full Year Lunch Cards – $550 – Only available until September 13!
  • Monthly Lunch Cards – Varies by month (contact office for exact amount)
  • Other Lunch Cards – $20 for five meals

Many students also qualify for free and reduced lunch. It is important to sign up for the program if you believe you are eligible, as it can also qualify students for other assistance, including reduced prices for things like AP Tests or other programs that we can offer if we know there is need. Free and reduced lunch applications are available online or at the high school office. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the front office.

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